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Forthcoming Games


OGI Games

The OGI 2020 games has now been cancelled due to the Coronavirus (Convid-19) outbreak, refer to News Page for more information.

We are pleased to announce that the 2020 OGI Games will hopefully be held at Allianz Park (formerly Copthall) on the bank holiday weekend of the 23rd, 24th and 25th May 2020, but the definitive location will be confirmed at a later stage due to the restructuring of the current facilities.

Remember, if you are planning on participating in the games, your athlete registration form needs to be submitted to your chosen team by the 31st January 2020. To register, please contact your Team Manager.

If you would like to print off the registration form refer to the
Athlete Registration page Click Here

To view the 2020 program schedule for information please click OGI Program Schedule this gives an idea of events.

Remember events are subject to change.

OGI 2020 Dates
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