Vic Heissl
The Vic Heissl Award: Introduced for OGI 2018, to honour one of our original founders and the first President of OGI Vic Heissl, who sadly passed away aged 84 on 26th July 2016.
The OGIC felt that this award should reflect the ideals of Vic himself, who always believed that OGI was not just about the winning but about the taking part and bringing everyone, young and old, together, making new friends and encouraging them to become actively involved in the Italian communities life, in whatever capacity they could. Not for personal gain but out of a sense of civic duty and pride in our achievements and a desire to ensure that future generations continue to feel a part of our legacy.
To read about Vic Heissll & how OGI came about please read Vic's Tribute
Vic Heissl Award
2018 - Theresa Morena
2020 -
if you have any photos of you and Vic you would like to share please send to