St. Peter's
Team Manager: Tony Schiavone Contact: St Peters Manager
This year I was elected to be the St Peter's Team Manager which I accepted with great honour and pride, as it has been my club since my teenage years, and through which I have made many long and lasting friendship that continue to this day.
My interest and involvement in St Peter's O.G.I. started when my son followed by his sisters were, old enough to compete.
Initially I was a parent supporting his children and club, then I became a helper, training the children, fundraising and doing whatever I could to support St Peter's.
With Ray Miele as our manager we brought home the winning trophy twice, to the delight of all our members. Hopefully this year we can do the same in memory ofour Team Mascot Padre Roberto Russo.
There has always been a wonderful atmosphere, very good team spirit and loyalty from a lot of people from the club whose children all take part for St Peter's Barmy Army (as we are known), with great pride, this makes my task more enjoyable as we truly are a team Win Or Lose.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors, Parents and team helpers for all their support and dedication during the past year and for the event itself.
In particular our warmest thanks to the newly set up O.G.I. committee who have made it possible for this event to take place. May they long continue with their excellent work?
I wish all the teams taking part Good Luck
St Peter's Barmy Army Team Manager: Tony Schiavone
Champions in 1986, 1998, 2000