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Team Manager: Tony Bracaliello Contact: Southgate Manager

Please read: Letter for recruits for information for Southgate team members

Most of the children that have taken part for Southgate, over the years, have come from the Italian school at Amos Grove, others have been friends or relatives.

Southgate has always been one of the bigger teams. The last four games they have finished 2nd in '94 & '96, 3rd in '98 and 2000. The 1998 team won the Les Ricard Trophy for the most individual medals.

Winner or loser, every young athlete has always made us all proud for his/her effort and enthusiasm. It makes all our hard work worthwhile, especially when we see their enjoyment.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of our committee and their families, for all their hard work in helping us raise the money to sponsor the team.

Finally I would like to wish our team good luck. FORZA SOUTHGATE!!

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